Digital Marketing

Why Clickatell SMS Platform and SMS make all the difference to your business

Business uses of Clickatell Platform

Communications behavior is changing. And rapidly so. We see it in the way people consume data, consume content and interact with each other. Mobile phones are fast becoming the go-to point of communication. This is as true in the workplace as it is in everyday life. So how can employers best harness this channel and use it to the advantage of both business and employee? Clickatell SMS Platform was launched to do just this, and companies are quickly realizing its potential to streamline business processes and workflow. Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of how this bulk SMS system works and what it offers businesses.

Related: Clickatell SMS Platform changes the SMS game

Clickatell SMS Platform for Retail

The retail industry is perhaps one of the most aggressively competitive industries out there. Not only are physical stores competing for a piece of the pie, online stores now offer more choice than ever before. The way people shop has also shifted, with less brand loyalty and a greater tendency towards product research and variety.

While many business owners are ignorant of the sales slipping through their fingers, there are many who have embraced our latest product and are already reaping the benefits. Clickatell Platform can enable retail businesses in the following ways:

Loyalty programs

Customer loyalty programs that leverage bulk SMS messaging are able to be that much more present in the mind of the consumer. This awareness leads to significant increases in the response to offers and the redemption of coupons or giveaways. In many cases, there is up to a 300 percent greater response as compared to email or hard copy offers.

Sales promotions

Need customer footfall in your business? Why not have a sale? And the more aware your customers are, the more likely they are to buy into the promotion. SMS your customers to let them know. SMS boasts a read rate of more than 97%. It’s instant advertising, delivered directly to your customers’ handsets.

Growing the customer database

It’s a very low maintenance way of building a database. Just leave a contact number at a point-of-sale, for example, and allow customers to get hold of you - on their terms. SMS can empower customers too, allowing them to opt in or out of promotions, offers or business updates.

It offers a multi-channel approach

SMS is proven to be an effective siloed communication channel. Yet it can really stand out when used in combination with other marketing techniques. Perhaps you’re launching a sales promotion email campaign, for example. Bulk SMS communication, reminding customers to check their email, may greatly increase the chances of your promotional emails being read.

Improves business through customer feedback

SMS is also a fantastic channel through which to get feedback from customers. Asking them about their experience of your business is a simple and greatly effective way to get instant feedback. It also offers the opportunity to open more communication channels: By combining an in-store offer, you can drive additional engagement.

Stock control

In the competitive retail space, income drives productivity. While this is probably true across most industries, an overwhelming focus on the bottom line can cause processes to fall by the wayside. Processes like stock readiness, checking availability and general buying operations are pushed aside to make room for more orders, larger infrastructures and ultimately, more money. Clickatell SMS Platform helps in this situation, too.

The Clickatell bulk SMS gateway is able to give your team instant SMS notifications that rapidly improve all levels of operations in an always-busy environment. This provides your employees with peace of mind, empowering them to refocus on the customer, who in turn receives better, more timely service.

Streamlines workflow

Clickatell SMS Platform can significantly improve project management and operating systems for your business. Managers and department leads will enjoy greater control and the system is designed to streamline workflow, increase productivity and enable technical improvements to drive ever-more competitive ROIs.

Bring businesses into the future

With the IoT becoming an ever more consistent feature of business operations, a product such as Clickatell SMS Platform keeps employees in the business loop. Employees will be able to check salaries and transaction dates via SMS, meaning their fingers remain on the pulse of the business at all times.

Team morale

Team building scenarios are always quite a daunting experience. There’s always management schedule issues, project deadlines, and of course, the business still needs to keep on operating. But missing out on team building exercises can greatly affect morale and ultimately productivity. SMS can add valuable services to your teams when they’re engaged in their daily routine. Services such as scheduling and keeping them updated on the business goings on will have them believing that they are part of a team. And you’re likely to get more out of an employee who buys into the business values.

Clickatell SMS Platform is already doing a lot to curtail lost resources, streamline operational workflow and manage high-performance employees. If your company is finding these tasks tricky, then it may require additional support through a bulk SMS gateway such as SMS

SMS Platform. Discover how SMS Platform and SMS can help improve customer engagement, employee productivity, build brand loyalty and drive growth for your business. Sign up for a free account today and you'll be able to immediately enjoy unlimited testing in our sandbox environment.

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