Digital Marketing

Tips to increase conversions with geo-targeting

Geo-targeted marketing tips

What does geo-targeting mean?

Simply put, geo-targeting is the practice of delivering different content to a user based on their geographic location. With geo-targeting you’re able to deliver specific, personalized information directly to the people who will find it most useful. This engages visitors and increases conversions using targeted information.

The simplest example of geo-targeting is search engine results pages (SERPs). The results are specific to your location in order to give you the most relevant information. For instance, if you search for a “bicycle repair store”, the search engine will give you results based on your location. That’s because it would be pointless for you to find results for bicycle repair stores in Manhattan if you’re in Cape Town.

What are some more examples of geo-targeting?

  • Experimenting with language

  • Changing the currency

  • Providing local, relevant offers

  • Different visual elements

What is the role of geo-targeting in a digital marketing strategy?

Geo-targeting is an essential part of a modern digital marketing strategy. You’re not guaranteed to reach customers when they’re seated behind their desktop computer. They’re far more likely to be on the move, smartphone in hand. That’s where geo-targeting comes in by making use of mobile to find your niche customer market.

There are a few examples of how to go about this. You could either send specific adverts to people when they’re in a specific location or send them ads based on where they spend most of their time. In the first example, you’ll send an advert or coupon to someone when they’re at a specific location. In the second, they’ll receive information about that neighborhood coffee shop they pass daily on the way to work or get a SMS on their mobile phone about promotions at a nearby market.

How can geo-targeting help you?

These are some of the ways in which you can use geo-targeting to appeal directly to your customers and ultimately increase sales:

  • Display products specific to a certain climate or culture

  • Advertise geographic-specific promotions

  • Show weather-related promotions

  • Provide localized shipping offers

  • Show the closest physical stores

If you’re curious about how you can use geo-targeting with your SMS campaigns, read more about how SMS geofencing can be used to inspire high conversion retail foot traffic.

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