01. What is Broadcast Messenger?
02. What messaging channels does Broadcast Messenger support?
03. How do I add Broadcast Messenger to my account?
04. How do I set up an outbound campaign for my target group?
05. What costs are involved in using Broadcast Messenger?
06. How do I add or edit a message template?
07. How do I personalize a message using a merge field?
08. How do I change my time zone?
09. Does Broadcast Messenger support dynamic URLs?
10. How do I manually add, edit, or delete a contact?
11. What format must the file be in when importing contacts for my campaign?
12. Where do I view incoming messages?
13. What is the use of Departments in Broadcast Messenger?
14. What analytics and reporting are available for Broadcast Messenger?
15. Does Broadcast Messenger block me from sending campaigns after hours?
16. Why don't replies go to Chat Desk anymore after activating Broadcast Messenger?
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